Here at Green Silk we have a wonderful time reading the beauties you send our way,
However, please submit using these rules:
Send your well groomed pieces to :
NO ATTACHMENTS-please send within the body of an email.
Indicate Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction, etc., within the subject line.
Include a brief third person bio.
Also include a brief, informal statement claiming copyright ownership, and indicate, please, that your piece has not been previously published.
All rights revert back to the author upon publication. When submitting your piece afterwards to another publication, please give us first rights, PLEASE.
*As of the Fall issue of 2023, we no longer accept any prose longer than 3000 words, sorry.
*We are also no longer interested in prose poetry.
In general, we are open to all themes, except suicidal death wishes and graphic violence. We don’t need to be reading or publishing any of that.
We love humor and artfulness. Sometimes notes of nostalgia give us that zing. Use your magic.
DEADLINE for The Spring 2025 Issue is March the 15th.
Important note:
We always welcome inquiries about your submissions. Sometimes a page really does fall through the cracks and needs to be found!
Now if you haven’t heard from us and the issue for which you have submitted is already published, assume that we are no longer interested in your piece/pieces. No need to worry that a submission is still in the running to use at some future date. Certainly, we will inform you if say, your Spring piece would be better for next year’s blooms! It has happened before!
With Warmth,
Kim Hazelwood Haley,
Will Haley