by Joan McNerney
O wonderful emergency!
Silver needles spin for hours
weaving tapestries to drape
rooftops sidewalks streets.
Millions of icicles delicately
arranged on lamp posts
along metal railings
around cornices.
White magic prayed for by children.
A spell shutting down school
making way for snow fights.
Perfect opportunity to burrow
longer in bed. Be late for work.
Appearing unbusinesslike
in rough clothes.
Snow crystals cover all
stains and blemishes.
Each windowpane
becomes a
miniature museum
of fine line etchings.
We are snapped awake by frost.
Our woolen gloves full of lace.
Bio: Joan McNerney’s poetry has been included in numerous literary magazines such as Seven Circle Press, Dinner with the Muse, Camel Saloon Books on Blog, Blueline, 63 channels, Spectrum, and three Bright Spring Press Anthologies. She has been nominated twice for Best of the Net in 2011.
Santa Anna Winds
by Jean McLeod
crowd tumbleweeds
against barbed wire
outlining ranches
where cattle huddle mid-field
near salt licks.
Scruffy live oaks droop,
too limp to provide shade
for spavined horses
and a desultory border collie
harried by a murder of crows.
At dusk, a train whistles
across fields gleaned so bare
the crows garner sustenance
from hawk leavings
and cow droppings.
Vultures scupper and hiss
from a saguaro silhouetted
against thirsty mountains
rising parched against
colorless skies
in the valley,
lupine and Indian paintbrush
strew the desert floor with shades
of periwinkle, amaranth, saffron
and sunset spreads
like melted butter.
Bio: Jean McLeod has retired from professional clowning and from social work. Her prose and poetry have been published in a number of magazines, periodicals, and journals over the past six years. She was a Pushcart Award nominee.
by John Grey
So the scientist believes in God.
He just wishes he could see God
under the microscope.
He's tired of the ridicule from
his agnostic peers.
But it's one more day,
when every slide is
a drop of blood or a flake of skin.
Why can't something supernatural
ever find its way onto that piece of glass?
Can't the divine once prick his finger?
Can't someone take a pair of tweezers
to the transcendent, the all-powerful,
and come away with a juicy tell-all tidbit?
But no, everything he sees magnified ten thousand times
dutifully obeys the laws of nature.
Nothing eternal. Nothing immutable.
A slice of tumor on the plate this time.
It's malignant.
He can hand out the man's death sentence.
Just not what that buys him.
Bio: John Grey is an Australian born poet, and works as financial systems analyst. Recently published in Poem,
Caveat Lector, Prism International and the horror anthology, “What Fear Becomes”. He has work upcoming in Big Muddy, Prism International and Writer’s Journal.
by Joan Colby
The best are transparent
as infatuation. The rarest red
as an orgasmic flush.
The opaque black ones simply cut.
Cold to the touch
as feet in bed. Charged with positive
electricity when rubbed.
Knowing the cleavage planes
is a lapidary art
exacting as an inspection
of the heart's interior.
The faceted stone
shocks with brilliants.
The eye of love
overlooks flaws to
tether the gem with gold.
Recalling how pressure and heat
secured the greasy luster
of raw passion in deep blue ground
where men tunnel in darkness.
Bio: Joan Colby has seven books published, including The Lonely Hearts Killers, The Atrocity Book, etc. Over 950 poems in publications including Poetry, Atlanta Review, Spoon River Poetry Review, The New York Quarterly, South Dakota Review, Epoch, etc. Two Illinois Arts Council Literary Awards (one in 2008) and an IAC Literary Fellowship. Honorable mention in the 2008 James Hearst Poetry Contest—North American Review and the 2009 Editor’s Choice Contest--Margie, and finalist in the 2007 GSU (now New South) Poetry Contest, 2009 Nimrod International Pablo Neruda Prize, 2010 James Hearst Poetry Contest and Ernest J. Poetry Prize. She lives on a small horse farm in Northern Illinois with her husband and assorted animals.
Blue Mixing Bowl
by Jim Kuperstein
This is my grandmother’s sky blue Pyrex mixing bowl
Overflowing with recipes on its westward journey from Emporia, Kansas
Cookie dough at Christmas time
Pie crust for lemon meringue
Biscuits, noodles and dumplings
The inside well worn and discolored
A mosaic of scratches diffusing and bending light
The result is pure gleaming
It is blue like her Kansas sky
Rising above wheat fields
Singing afternoon gusts
And she looked up to that sky
The Lord will provide
Things will work out by the end of the month,
when the bills are due
And He did
Government cheese and
surplus peanut butter
Descending from heaven,
via the neighborhood Baptist church
Now the mixing bowl barely contains my enthusiasm
for salsas, guacamole and brownies
But nothing lasts forever
Pyrex is hard to break
When it does it shatters
So many tiny shards
Requiring a moratorium
on bare feet in the kitchen.
Bio:Jim is an attorney and part time writer living in southern California.His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in multiple online publications. He can be contacted via email: