The Greensilk Journal
* a literary ezine *
Winter 2009 (Vol. 4 Issue 1)
Ballroom by David Waite (pg.1)
Eastern Standard Time by Christine Potter (pg.1)
A lion of the Spring by David Waite (pg.2)
Always There, The Gift of Cadenza by K.D. Hazelwood (pg.2)
My Black Guitar by Michael K White (pg.1)
Celine by Milan Smith (pg.1)
The Night Song Singer of Broken Halleluiahs by Tom Sheehan (pg.2)
Joey by David W. Landrum (pg.3)
Just A Song by Lynne Taylor (pg.3)
My Brother Roy in the Underworld by Nadine Gallo (pg 4)
The Bride to Beat by Mary Lamphere (pg4)
The Coordinated, Expansive and Coercive Sounds of the Universe by Levi Dendy