The Tree by Carolyn Wolfe
Sequoia by Patrice Mason
Sing Spring by Kim Hazelwood
The Lone Coyote by James G. Piatt
The Prayer of Trees by Terri Hadley Ward
Two Lips by Marianne Woest
Starlit Seduction by Eira Needham
Lonely Violin by Robert Martin
When by Carolyn Wolfe
Of Colored Realities by Richard Fein
Design by John Grey
Sunshine on the Rubble by Holly Day
The Tavern of Bad Adventures by Matthew Wilson
Dance Band Instrumental by Richard Fein
Here and Now by Roger G. Singer
#2 by Glenda Walker
One Night by John Richmond
Ritualized Continuum by Glemn A. Bruce
Memories of Fidel by Henry F. Mazel